Thursday, May 14, 2009

The peoples who always beside me hahahaha

Asma :)

Aien :)

Puthree :)

Nash :)

Rossa :)

Qualities of a good teen friend

~ I wouldnt trust him when im not around and it is not easily for me to watched him wherever he goes

A sense of moral rectitude
~ His actions governed by absolute wrong . HES SUCKS !

The ability to defer gratification
~ All my friends are not regularly resist an impulse and its facts !

Respect for authority
~ My friend respect his or her parents and other adults

~ I wouldnt trust him easily stupido-osss-ssss

A friend is one who ....

... follows through with what he or she says

... understandss and inspires

... sacrifices for the other

... invests in another

... joyfully gives and serves

... respects and honors

... is courteous

... builds character

... loves all the times

... challenges growth and maturity

... tells the truth and restores dignity

... keeps a promise

... shares dreams

... not to facing each other for a too long

... keeps in touch forever and ever

... is forgiving

Good friends are hard to find

When things go sour and you really feel lousy, do you have a friend you can tell ? do you?

Do you have a friend you can express any honest thought to without fear of appearing foolish ? do you?

Do you have a friend who will let you talk through a problem without giving you advice ? Who will just be a " sounding board"?

Will your friend risk your dissaproval to suggest you may getting off track in your priorities?

Do you have a friend who will take the risk to tell you that you are sinning ? Or using poor judgement ? Do you?

If you had a moral failure, do you know that your friend would stand with you ?

Is there a friend with whom you feel you are facing life together ?

Do you have a friend you believe you can trust , so if you share confidential thoughts they will stay confidential?

When you are vulnerable and transparent with your friend, are you convinced he or she will not think less of you?

Do you meet with a friend weekly or biweekly for fellowship and prayer, and possibly for accountability?

Talk to the hand will not ever bring your inspiration in life

Why friends are important?


- They laugh with us .
- They cry with us .
- They build memories with us .
- They stand beside us .
- They confront us .
- They believe the best in us .
- They help us grow well .
- They keep us from temptation .
- They enrich our lives .

Need to be strong

When i was a kid, Ive learnt how to be responsible and not unselfish person. firstly, my mummy teach me how to create my self not to harm anybody ive know. okay i hidup dalam keluarga yang sederhana and bukanlah sekaya mana pun. just average :) di tambah lagi suasana keluarga yang ramai lagi membuatkan hidupku rasa bagaikan ouhhh indahnya ada keluarga ramai. tapi not-so-ramai la hahaha. i sebenarnya ada 7 family termasuk mummy and daddy. and im the forth lol. im the most younger than my others sibling lol. dan lagi satu sebenarnya i ada adik. tapi Allah lebih sayangkan dia. tapi i tak sanggup hilang dia. i mmg rapat dgn adik i BUT.. tahu tahu lah sendiri betapa peritnya bila ditinggalkan oleh orang yang tersayang. macam yang baru lepas break-up lah. mesti perit kan? okay okay continue. i baru lepas habis spm yang ohhhh gila lah tak sangka dah habis. habis cepat lagi bagus. and on 12march results keluar. damnnn gila i takut. ive got okay lah the results tuh. nasib takda fail hahahaha. okay okay. my life sometimes make me ohh so-lonely. teringat orang yang closed dgn kita akan membuatkan kita sedih rite? yeahhh takpe lah. lagi kita pikir lagi membuatkan kita sedih haa haha okaylah kita continue blog seterusnya :))

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Day 1211

omgg * omgg * i cant let it show lol what were the next happened to me :]

Big mistakes .

Ohh today was really meant to me, Ive just talking with my parents after i had a big problem with them lol it was make me so guilty, its tremendously happened at all of sudden, why was i told to my mother that lol nahhhhhh stop stop , why must i told her with my ridiculous words???? why? why? im a big sinner , mummy i love you , daddy i love you too . im sorry if im makes a big mistakes to both of you . im sorry , ive just spoiled my planning to watched a movies with my friends because of this aaaaaaarghhhh im so so so sad , im gonna cried . urhhhhh tiba tiba tringat arwah adik i bila ada apa apa berlaku . oke oke stop . mummy i dah mintak maaf daddy i dah mintak maaf ;[ oke oke built a new life ;] okay lah lain kali berhati hati cakap ye ekka :)