Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Big mistakes .

Ohh today was really meant to me, Ive just talking with my parents after i had a big problem with them lol it was make me so guilty, its tremendously happened at all of sudden, why was i told to my mother that lol nahhhhhh stop stop , why must i told her with my ridiculous words???? why? why? im a big sinner , mummy i love you , daddy i love you too . im sorry if im makes a big mistakes to both of you . im sorry , ive just spoiled my planning to watched a movies with my friends because of this aaaaaaarghhhh im so so so sad , im gonna cried . urhhhhh tiba tiba tringat arwah adik i bila ada apa apa berlaku . oke oke stop . mummy i dah mintak maaf daddy i dah mintak maaf ;[ oke oke built a new life ;] okay lah lain kali berhati hati cakap ye ekka :)

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