Thursday, May 14, 2009

Good friends are hard to find

When things go sour and you really feel lousy, do you have a friend you can tell ? do you?

Do you have a friend you can express any honest thought to without fear of appearing foolish ? do you?

Do you have a friend who will let you talk through a problem without giving you advice ? Who will just be a " sounding board"?

Will your friend risk your dissaproval to suggest you may getting off track in your priorities?

Do you have a friend who will take the risk to tell you that you are sinning ? Or using poor judgement ? Do you?

If you had a moral failure, do you know that your friend would stand with you ?

Is there a friend with whom you feel you are facing life together ?

Do you have a friend you believe you can trust , so if you share confidential thoughts they will stay confidential?

When you are vulnerable and transparent with your friend, are you convinced he or she will not think less of you?

Do you meet with a friend weekly or biweekly for fellowship and prayer, and possibly for accountability?

Talk to the hand will not ever bring your inspiration in life

1 comment:

  1. when i read this
    im missing my best friends
    zuri n kimah :C
    and my others friends
    yes they did this in my real life
    so i should wake up to realise that
    they are true friends :)
